The Story of Linnaeus and Binomial Nomenclature

Carl Linnaeus named 10,000 plants and animals, 100 years before Darwin.

This e-book describes the life of Linnaeus and how he created a binomial system to name plants and animals.

Demystify taxonomy and how to format Latin names in publications.

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About the Book

This little book helps you to understand scientific naming for plants and animals and how to format names in your articles and stories.

Included is a biography of Carl Linnaeus, father of modern biological nomenclature, who lived a unique life speaking Latin in Swedish universities. Illustrations include a sample of his handwriting.

Genre: Nature
Tags: Animals, biography, History, names, nomenclature, plants
Publisher: Lyrical Leaf Publishing
Publication Year: 2020
Format: e-book
Length: 17 pages
Illustrator: Merridy Cox
ISBN: 9780994848178
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About the Author
Merridy Cox

Merridy Cox publishes non-fiction and poetry books and booklets, mostly on nature, the history of science, or adventures in ecology. Her blog, English Manual: Letter by Letter, includes tips and tricks on the English language. Her work generally includes her original nature photography. Merridy lives in Ontario, Canada, and spends her time out-of-doors with her camera.

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